Building at Lake Tahoe:
To build at Lake Tahoe, you need:
1) An explanation of IPES. IPES stands for Individual Parcel Evaluation Score that consists of 10 factors including distance from lake, erosion control measures that have been implemented in the surrounding area, slope of lot, type of soil, percolation of the soil, how well the lot can revegetate, etc. This determines the IPES score and currently in Placer Couty. the minimum IPES score needed to build is 726. Different counties have different minimum IPES scores and the scoring can adjust over the years downwards. You can buy up IPES points if the lot has a score within 10% of the “buildable” IPES score, i.e. within 72 points of 726. The cost per point is $972 per point. Purchasing points is simply filling out an application form and then waiting for TRPA to process, there is no waiting list.
2) As to coverage, three of the IPES factors using a complicated formula determine the “allowable coverage” for building on a lot. Again, there is a provision to buy up coverage to a maximum of 20% of the lot area not within a stream environment zone. Cost for such coverage runs between $10 to $20 per square foot or more. Any area in a “stream environment zone” gets zero coverage and usually cannot be disturbed. The best place to look for purchasing coverage is the Tahoe Conservancy Website:
3) To build, once you get a “buildable” IPES score and enough coverage to build your dream home, you have to have plans designed to fit, engineered and then submitted to Placer County.
This gives you a general idea of the constrains for building in Tahoe. There are, however, some exceptions and caveats depending on the specific property and future rules by the governing agencies, please contact TRPA and Placer County Building Department directly to confirm all the details specific to the parcel you are interested in.
Tracy Voelker